Everything You Need to Know About SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 Plates

The materials used can make the difference between durable performance and costly downtime when it comes to industrial applications, especially those that involve high pressure and temperatures. One such material specially crafted for such demanding conditions is the SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plate. But what makes this steel grade so crucial for heavy-duty machinery, and why is it the go-to choice for industry professionals? In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the details of SA 387 Grade 12 Class 2 plates and their importance in various industrial applications.

Understanding SA 387 Steel Plate 


The “SA” in SA 387 stands for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) designation for pressure vessel plates. Specifically, the SA 387 Grade 12 Class 2 is part of the standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, and chromium-molybdenum.

The “387” indicates the specification’s identification number, while “Grade 12” signifies the steel’s grade, which dictates certain chemical and mechanical properties. “Class 2” refers to the grade’s class, which determines its heat-treatment process and corresponds to its tensile strength and resistance to impact.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. High-temperature resistance: SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates can withstand extreme temperatures, making them ideal for boilers, pressure vessels, and exchangers in the oil and gas industry.
  2. Excellent corrosion resistance: The chromium and molybdenum content provides excellent resistance to corrosive environments, preventing rust and extending the life of the parts and systems in which these plates are used.
  3. Despite their strength, SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates exhibit good weldability, which is critical for fabricating complex structures without compromising integrity.
  4. Durability: These plates are known for their durability and ability to handle high pressure without deformation, ensuring reliability and safety in operations.

Applications of SA 387 GR 12 Class 2 Plates

Due to their robust properties, SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates are found in various high-stress industry applications. These include but are not limited to:

  • Chemical processing: These plates are used to construct chemical processing equipment due to their corrosion resistance.
  • Petrochemical industries: They fabricate reactors, separators, and storage tanks that deal with oil, gas, and petrochemical products.
  • Energy sector: Power plants utilize SA 387 plates for components like boilers, heat exchangers, and superheaters due to their ability to withstand high temperatures.
  • Aerospace and Defense: Their durability and resistance to thermal fatigue make them suitable for military applications, including vehicles and naval ships.

Tips for Working with SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 Plates

  • Preheating: To avoid cold cracking, preheating is recommended before welding SA 387 steel plates, followed by a suitable post-weld heat treatment.
  • Cutting techniques: Use appropriate cutting methods such as plasma or water-jet cutting to preserve the plate’s properties and ensure clean cuts.
  • Consulting experts: Always consult with an experienced metallurgist to ensure proper machining and welding parameters are used for optimal results.


SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates are among the most versatile and robust materials in industries that demand high-performance standards. Combining durability, resistance to heat and corrosion, and favourable welding properties, these plates enable the construction of long-lasting, reliable equipment capable of operating under some of the most challenging conditions.

As industries continue to push the boundaries of engineering capabilities, materials like SA 387 Grade 12 Class 2 plates will remain in high demand, supporting advancements and ensuring the integrity and safety of pressure vessels worldwide.

Are you involved in a project that requires the unmatched capabilities of SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates? Then, remember to choose a reputable supplier that provides high-quality materials and expert guidance and support. Your choice of plates could be the deciding factor in the longevity and success of your pressure vessel applications.

Contact our seasoned industry professionals for seamless procurement and expert opinions on using SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 plates in your next big project. From precise specifications to implementation advice, we’re here to help you harness the full potential of these powerful steel plates.

Everything You Need to Know About SA 387 GR 12 CL 2 Plates

by Metal Ore time to read: 2 min